How to hide the Global links which appear on the Top of OAF Pages
Hello my friends,
Here are the steps to hide the Global links appear in any Oracle Web Page..
At the beginning we thought they are like any other links which can be modified or suppressed by the means of OAF personalization , or by changing the Profile Options related to that issue , but we couldn’t manage to hide all of them nor seeing the desired effects …
And I came with a fact that those links are global links which appear in any oracle web page , and can’t all be suppressed through the normal personalization, So I’ve found that Oracle has put them in a menu , and this menu has a type of ( global type ) and has been attached to almost every other menu in oracle self-services pages , that’s why when you open any web page you find those links at the header and the footer of the page, So all you have to do to hide those links is :
Here as you can see the names of the links appear in any web page , you can modify the prompt of the link or even delete it , but take care that’s will almost affect EVERY web page in oracle … but what if you want to modify those links just for a certain responsibility ?
The following steps shows you how
1- Login Application Developer/System Administrator Responsibility.
– Navigate to Application->Menu.
-Query for your desired menu , for example any menu you have created for a customized task .. here we will take the XML Publisher Administrator menu.
First you get the name of the menu through the XML Publisher Responsibility
-navigate to Security->Responsibility->Define
2- Then you go to the Application->Menu
and query for the name of the menu you have got from the responsibility.
3- Then you add the Menu ICX_STANDARD_GLOBAL_MENU to the XML Publisher Menu.
4- Back to the responsibility of XML Publisher , to exclude the functions you want from that menu , in this case all the changes you will make will take effect only for this responsibility and all the web pages lying under it , and it won’t have any effect on any web page in any other responsibility .
Then when you switch to the XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility you will find no links
· ** If you want to add a link to the global links that opens any desired web site , you can create a function with the desired name like ( AppsLead ) for example and add it to the menu ICX_STANDARD_GLOBAL_MENU
Create the Function
Application-> Function
In the TAB ( WEB HTML ) you can add the next line
Then add the new created function to the ICX_STANDARD_GLOBAL_MENU
And once you have the ICX_STANDARD_GLOBAL_MENU added to your desired menu ( XML Publisher )The link of “AppsLead “will appear with the global links and by clicking on it , it will open the Networks Valley website.
I hope you got it
Sameh Bakkar

- Search for the menu called ICX_STANDARD_GLOBAL_MENU

Tag:Global links, hide