HRMS Questionnaire – Important Before Your Setup
Major Topics
Questions |
Key Flexfield Structures
Applicable Setups:
Þ Job – a generic role within a company which is independent of any single organization |
What job titles are used? Are job codes associated with the titles? Please provide a listing of all applicable information regarding job titles. (Director, Manager, Professional, Clerical, Skilled; 1001-Director) | |
Þ Position – a specific occurrence of one job, fixed within one organization |
What position titles are used? Are position codes associated with the titles? Are positions defined to associate with single or multiple holders? Please provide a listing of all applicable information regarding positions. (IT Manager, Accounting Clerk I; 2010-IT Manager) | |
Þ Grade – component of an employee’s assignment defining their level and used to control value of their salary | What are your grade scales and rates? Do you calculate comparatios? Is your mid-point a true mid-point or derived value? Please provide a listing of all grade names with associated min, mid, and max values. Define any progression points, if applicable. (A1, A2, B1, B2 – Hourly, Salary) | |
Þ People – special groups of employees in your enterprise |
Do you have groups of employees eligible for different benefits or earnings types that need to be identified? Please define each identifying the associated benefit eligibility for each. (Unions, executives, highly comp) | |
Þ Cost Allocation – used to record details of employee costing associated with payroll results |
What are the segments of the General Ledger Accounting number such as company, department, division, etc.? In what segment(s) besides the liability expense accounts are payroll costs posted? | |
Which segments of the General Ledger accounting number are closely affiliated with the “organization”? | ||
What cost centers are used for payroll? Please provide the department/cost center account numbers of the GL COA where time is charged. | ||
Þ Personal Analysis – used to record special personal information not included as standard information | What special information do you capture on employees not included as standard information? (Medical, education, training) | |
What are the different types of events employees can be scheduled to attend? (Training, Seminar) | ||
Administration | What currency do you use? (US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Peso) | |
Applicable Setups:
What different bank account types are used? (Checking, Savings, Money Market) | |
What absence categories are used? (Medical Leave, Family Leave, Personal Leave) | |
What absence reasons are used? (Birth of child, Adoption of child) | ||
Are employees issued a unique employee ID or is their SSN used as their ID? | ||
What titles are used for employees, if any? (Mr. Mrs. Ms.) | ||
What are the different address types used for employees? (Home, mailing, summer, weekend) | ||
Does your company operate on a fiscal year or calendar year? If fiscal, what are the dates? | ||
What budget types are tracked? Please provide types/categories and associated values for each. (Headcount, FTE) | ||
Are values assigned to represent FTEs with an employment category of part-time regular, part time temporary and/or full time temporary? (i.e., Part-time regular = .5 of full-time regular?) | ||
Are position/title budgets used by your company? Is reporting done on planned vs. actual for analysis? By dollars? By position/title? | ||
Are position/titles managed by FTEs (full-time equivalents)? | ||
What types of contacts are tracked? (Employee, spouse, children, emergency, dependents) | ||
Does your company employ and identify ex-patriot employee types? Third Party Nationals? If so, do you maintain in your HRIS? Please provide a list of countries where ex-patriots and/or Third Party Nationals maintain their residence. Also, please include a sample address style for each country represented. | ||
Is information regarding contractor/vendor personnel maintained in your HRIS? Do these “external” person types need access as users of the system? Do they use the same positions and/or job names, labor costing, labor/time recording, etc., as your employees? If no, please provide naming conventions used. | ||
What PayMIX batch control totals do you use? This will be used for batch entry of benefit and deduction information. This will be a batch type used to total information to validate totals against a known amount. (Bonus amount, hours entered on time cards) | ||
What reasons are used for changes in employee status? (Terminated, Transferred, Promotion) | ||
What sub-reasons are used for changes in employee status? (Voluntarily, Involuntary, Requested) | ||
What employee categories are used? (Full-time Regular, Fulltime-Temporary, Part-time-Regular) | ||
What different types of interviews are used for employees? (Phone 1, Phone 2, In Person 1, In person 2, Management) | ||
What different ethnic origins are tracked? (White, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian) | ||
Do you maintain a written employee performance measurement policy? If so, please provide a copy. | ||
Are job evaluation methods and industry compensation surveys used to perform/maintain job evaluations and to determine rates of pay? | ||
Does your system support automatic job step progression processing? Does your company require that functionality? | ||
What systems/categories are used for job evaluations? Is it interfaced – – From, To, Both? (White collar internal, labor, HAY) | ||
What units are used in the evaluation system? (Points, percent, grade) | ||
Does your company provide non-traditional types of pay strategies such as Pay for Performance, Team Based Pay, Pay for Knowledge? Gain-sharing Incentive Plans based on operational and productivity improvements? If so, please provide documents defining the details of the plan(s). | ||
What frequencies are used? (Per week, per month) | ||
What reasons are tracked for employees that terminate? (Took another job, disgruntled) | ||
What marital statuses are tracked for employees? (Married, Single, Divorced) | ||
Are nationalities tracked for employees? If so, specify. (American, French, Canadian) | ||
What organization types are used? (Division, department, business unit, cost center) | ||
Can employees hold multiple positions/titles and/or jobs? | ||
Do you maintain on-line/electronic job descriptions? Please provide a sample copy of one of your valid job descriptions. | ||
Are specific requirements such as working condition information, skills, physical capabilities, environmental exposures, spending authority, security level, and/or employment categories maintained and attached to jobs/positions? Is this documented on job descriptions? If not, please include with list of jobs/positions. | ||
What reasons are used for manually forcing a grade change? (Promotion, salary increase, cost of living increase) | ||
Are “out of range” exceptions (above salary maximum, or below salary minimum) allowed? | ||
What units are used for probation periods? (Days, weeks, months, years) | ||
What ratings are used for performance evaluations? (Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) | ||
What reasons are used for salary increase proposals? (Promotion, salary increase, cost of living increase, merit) | ||
Work StructuresApplicable Setups:
What geographic locations and addresses are used internally for office work sites/locations? Please provide full address details and at least one phone number for each. (Home office, regional offices, any work place with an address) | |
For each work location site defined above, are shipments received and/or inventory maintained on site? If yes, please specify. | |
Other than for payroll processing, what reasons are required for employees’ work locations (where they report for duty each day) to be associated with them? If their name is on a purchase order, where would the inventory ship to if they worked out of their home? | ||
Please define your company’s legal structure as well as individual business organizations represented by this structure. For each organization identified as a GRE, provide the following information:
Who is the contact person for information regarding the company’s EINs and SUIs. (Name, work address, phone number) | ||
Is consolidated reporting required? At what level(s) is the data consolidated? Please specify. | ||
Please provide total number of employees associated with each EIN if more than one has been defined. | ||
Do you also maintain a separate, not necessarily legally defined, organization structure identifying reporting relationships (i.e., dotted line or special projects)? If so, please provide a copy in Org Chart format or Excel. | ||
How often does your company reorganize and to what complexity are the “normal” reorganizations? How often are mass changes made in positions/titles and/or mass moves made from cost center to cost center? | ||
How does the company file EEO-1 reports? Please provide a copy of your latest EEO-1 filing. Are they filed electronically? (Consolidated, Headquarters, Establishment) | ||
What is the Company Work Schedule? (M-F, 8:00 – 5:00) | ||
What are the reporting hierarchies for jobs/positions? Do you maintain organization charts for jobs/positions? If so, please provide a copy. (Who reports to who?) | ||
Payroll Information |
What system is currently being used to pay payroll? | |
Applicable Setups: |
Please provide a copy of the file layouts in the current system. | |
Please describe all interfaces to the current payroll system. | |
What payment methods are used for payroll? (direct deposit, check) | |
Please indicate the number and types of “payrolls” your company processes. (monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly, weekly) | |
What salary bases are used? (Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, annual, hourly) | ||
Are pay changes effective as of the effective date of the change, start of the pay period, etc.? Please specify. | ||
How many employees will be paid with Oracle Payroll? | ||
Is pay affected by any Union contracts? | ||
Is pay directly affected by grade? | ||
Do employees work and report time in more than one cost center? If so, is the time worked in each department based on a percentage of time? Based on actual time reported? Both? Would they hold a different job/position when working in different departments? | ||
Are projects and labor costs tracked by using average or fixed hours assigned to a cost center? Actual hours worked and submitted through time entry? Please provide your current valid labor expense account numbers for each method used. | ||
What groupings are used to consolidate payrolls? (Salaried and hourly consolidated for reporting, different set for each GRE) | ||
How do you collect time for payroll? Time cards? Timesheets? Is it interfaced? From -–To – Both? | ||
What are the earnings types and their eligibility criteria? (Salary, wages, bonuses) | ||
What categories are used for earnings classification? (Overtime, pension, regular, shift) | ||
What imputed earnings categories are used? (Group Term Life Insurance, Company Car) | ||
Does your company use shift differentials? If so, provide information for each one. | ||
What supplemental earnings categories are used? (Awards, Bonuses, Commissions) | ||
What voluntary deduction categories are used? (Credit Union, United Way) | ||
What involuntary deduction reasons are used? (Alimony, Bankruptcy Order, Child Support) | ||
How does your company handle Child Support and Creditor Garnishments? Do you collect fees from employees who have garnishments? | ||
What local filing statuses are used for employees? (Single, Married Filing Jointly) | ||
What state filing statuses are used for employees? (Single, Married Filing Jointly) | ||
What payment classifications are used for non-payroll payments? (Expenses) | ||
Is your 401k file transmitted to a TPA? | ||
Is your payroll system interfaced to a General Ledger? From – to – both? | ||
How is the payroll bank account currently reconciled? Does the current payroll system contain reconciliation functionality? | ||
Does your company have a need for payroll accrual journal entries at month-end? | ||
What are all of the benefit plans and their eligibility? Please provide a list. Do your benefit options vary by locations? If so, please indicate. (Health, life, PTO, retirement, after 90 days) | |
Þ Contributions Þ Links | Do you produce personalized enrollment/election and confirmation statements internally or are they provided by a TPA? | |
When is your open enrollment period(s)? (mm-dd through mm-dd) | ||
Do you have “default” benefit enrollment in the event an employee does not make a benefit election? | ||
Please provide a copy of each of your benefit plan SPDs, and company policies governing these plans. If unavailable, provide a document defining each plan and specifying its processing requirements. | ||
What is your benefit plan year? Does this vary by plan option (i.e., does your 401k have a different plan year than does your medical)? Please specify. | ||
Are benefit plans maintained in-house or outsourced? Interfaced? From – to – both? | ||
Do you internally administer Section 125 and 415 testing or is it done by TPA? | ||
Are statements generated internally for employees defining their fund earnings, balances, and account activity or is it done by TPA? | ||
Are non-employees (vendors/contractors) maintained in your benefit system? | ||
Please provide names of benefit carriers along with pertinent information, i.e., complete address and contact information. | ||
What benefit coverages are provided? (Employee only, employee plus one, employee and family.) | ||
Please provide the employer/employee contributions for each plan. (Employee – $50 employee/$75 employer) | ||
Is there an Employer contribution portion of the 401k plan? How much? Maximum? Do you track employee allocations to the 401k plan by fund? | ||
Are positions/jobs defined for specific compensation and/or benefit eligibility? If so, please provide specific information. | ||
Is COBRA administered in-house or outsourced? Interfaced? From – to – both? | ||
What reasons are used to indicate COBRA status? (Awaiting Notification, Notified) | ||
What reasons are used for COBRA termination? (End of coverage, non-payment) | ||
People & AssignmentsApplicable Setups:
What person types are maintained in your current HRIS? Please indicate the total number of employees associated with each type.
What assignment statuses are used for employees? (Active, Terminated, Suspended, LOA) | ||
RecruitmentApplicable Setups: |
Do you use a purchased software for applicant tracking or is it part of your HRIS? Name of software? | |
What event(s) triggers requisitions in your organization? What information regarding requisitions is maintained, i.e., date, open/closed, requisition number, etc. | |
On average, how many requisitions are processed by your company each year? | ||
Specify the details of pertinent information involved in the approval process, i.e., from screening applicants to their start date. | ||
What types of recruitment activities are used by your company? Are statistics tracked? Do you track the recruiting costs? (Newspaper, college, agency, fairs) | ||
What statuses are given to vacant positions? (Authorized, advertised) | ||
How many applicants, on average, are processed in your company in a year? | ||
What is your corporate definition of an applicant? When is information entered into the applicant tracking system? (all resumes and applications whether solicited or unsolicited) | ||
Does your company differentiate between outside applicant information to the internal applicants for analysis and reporting? | ||
What reasons are used for changes to applicant assignments? (Declined, took other offer, hired) | ||
What information is tracked from the application or resume? | ||
Is applicant testing information tracked, i.e., test type, disposition/title, date, pass/fail? | ||
Additional reasons for applicant assignments? (Declined, hired) | ||
What event types are used for applicants? (Hired, interviewed, offer made) | ||
What interview types are used for applicants? (First-second-phone interview) | ||
What reasons are used for terminating applications? (Failed test, failed interview) | ||
Please provide a copy of your employment application as well as all forms used in your employment hiring processes. | ||
Career ManagementApplicable Setups: |
Has your company defined core competencies? If so, please provide competence types, rating scales, individual competencies, and requirements. | |
Does your company use competence-based assessments and/or appraisal questionnaires? If so, please provide copies. | |
If skills are required for each job/position, please define. (Manager = degree, skills, length of work experience) | |
If career paths are used for jobs/positions, please define. (Manager->Director->VP->President) | ||
Do you have an automated module for administration of career planning information such as career interests, career development activities, potential and relocation preferences? | ||
Specific Business FunctionsApplicable Setups:
Please provide the name of your Workers Compensation carriers for each state in which you have employees working. Also provide WC codes and rate information for each state. (Name of company, address, phone, contact name.) | |
Do you submit New Hire Reports? Please provide name of contact person. | |
What statuses are used on requested ADA accommodations? (Approved, denied, requested) | |
How is OSHA reporting handled? Interfaced? From – to – both? | ||
Do you record/maintain incident information such as how the accident/injury occurred, notification information, severity, etc.? | ||
Do you record/maintain incident investigation information such as cause, investigation dates, etc.? | ||
Do you record/maintain illness/injury information such as lost work days, body part injured, restrictions, physician/hospital? | ||
Do you record/maintain employee restriction data or administer a work duty program? | ||
Is your organization required to generate EEO-4 and EEO-6 reports? | ||
Is the company required to report and file VETS-100 annually? Is it transmitted electronically? | ||
Do you generate CEER reports (Canadian Employment Equity Reports)? Are they transmitted electronically? | ||
Are you required to do Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) reporting annually? What is the breakdown used (division, dept)? Is it part of your HRIS system? Interfaced – from – to – both? | ||
What Paid Time Off (PTO) accrual and/or PTO plan categories are used? (Vacation, sick) | ||
If Accrual Plans, specify eligibility and start rules. (Beginning of year, six months after hire) | ||
Does your company accept or participate in external compensation survey programs? Is the date imported to your current system? How is it used? If processed manually, how is the data used? | ||
Is your salary administration interfaced with an employee performance (appraisal) system? If yes, what data does the system require? | ||
Does your company have an automated Executive Compensation System? Is it part of your current HRIS? Please provide specifics. | ||
Does your company have a Deferred Compensation Plan? Is it part of your current HRIS? Maintained by TPA? Interfaced – To – From – Both? Please provide a process flow of plan as well as a copy of plan document. | ||
What budgetary calendars are used for HR staffing budgets? (Calendar year, fiscal year, other) | ||
Define the types of budgets used for HR. (Headcount, FTE) | ||
What are the valid grades (if applicable) for each job/position? (Manager = C1, C2, Clerical = E1, E2) | ||
Reports & LettersApplicable Setups: |
What reports are currently used? Please provide a sample page of all reports currently used and required from Oracle HRMS. | |
Who is currently responsible for creating or changing reports? | |
· Create standard letters used for HR functions |
Are standard letters used in recruiting activities? If so, please provide a copy of each letter used. (Acknowledgement letters, letters of denial) | |
SecurityApplicable Setups: |
Are core Human Resources processes centralized or decentralized? Please list by category each process as well as where it is processed. | |
At what levels do you currently secure users? (Company, organization, field) | |
What responsibilities/duties for each position and/or job in Human Resource have been defined and to what level? (HR specialist: data entry and benefits admin) | |
What responsibilities/duties for each position and/or job in Payroll have been defined and to what level? (Staff: data entry) | ||
What responsibilities/duties for each position and/or job have been defined in Training? (Staff: data entry) | ||
Please provide the user names and responsibilities in HR. (John Doe = HR Specialist) | ||
Please provide the user names and responsibilities in Payroll. (Jan Doe = Staff) | ||
Please provide the user names and responsibilities in Training. (Mary Doe = Trainer) | ||
Miscellaneous |
Please provide a copy of your Employee Handbook. | |
Does your company currently maintain Process Models identifying all HR activities and processes with definition of business terms and data flow. If so, please provide copies of same. | ||
Will historical information be converted? What data will be converted, from what date, and from what source(s)? | ||
On what type of printers do you run Human Resources reports (including checks, purchase orders, etc.)? Where are they located? |
Tag:HRMS, HRMS Questionnaire