Oracle HRMS FAQ – Hire
Oracle HRMS FAQ – Hire, Terminate Employees, HR Shared Install –>from metalink
——————- 1. How do I insert an EFFECTIVE_END_DATE to an Employee? Answer —— The only way to populate the end date is to terminate the employee. This is done via the Termination End Employment form by navigating: People -> Enter & Maintain-> Others -> End Employment2. R10.7 and 11.0x – How do I change a Hire Date in a full installation of HR? Answer —— People -> Enter & Maintain. On People form, date track to the original hire date, highlight the field (date) and make the correction to the Hire Date. 3. R11.5 – I cannot terminate an Employee. Receive error: APP-BEN-92108 Cannot default the monthly payroll for the benefits assignment. Answer —— You must define a default monthly payroll for each business group you maintain. Benefit assignments are linked to the default monthly payroll in order to calculate premiums for continuing benefits such as COBRA. (Oracle Development recommends defining a Monthly payroll as default at the GRE level.) The monthly default payroll does not need to be unique. If a monthly payroll is already set up for your business group, you may choose to use that payroll as a default, rather than setting up a new one. To assign a default payroll for Benefits: 3.1. (N)Work Structures -> Organization -> Description. 3.2. Query the Organization. 3.3. Under Organization Classifications -> Business Group click on the Others button. 3.4. Choose Benefits Defaults Enter the Monthly payroll you will use for the default for Benefits. 4. R10.7 – Employee is terminated, but Person Type still shows as EMP. Answer —— Query information in the tables PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE and PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F for this employee. PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE has been updated correctly and the relevant assignment record PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F has been end-dated accordingly as employee was terminated on last day of payroll period. However PER_PEOPLE_F does not have a new row inserted for the person to show EX-EMP type. Nor has a row been inserted into PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES at this point. Package peempter.pkh and peempter.pkb must be updated. Apply R10.7 Patch 929961, then reverse the termination and re-terminate the employee. 5. How do I terminate an Employee’s Assignment, or terminate an Employee? Answer —— INTRODUCTION ————- For an employee to exist on the system they must have at least one active assignment. To terminate an employee you terminate their assignments rather than changing their status to ex-employee on the People form. If the employee has just one active assignment OR has multiple active assignments for which you want to terminate all assignments this is done via the Termination End Employment form by navigating People -> Others. If the employee has more than one active assignment and you wish to delete all but one of those assignments this is done via the Assignment form for each Assignment. Note you can not end the last active assignment via this form. TERMINATION VIA THE END EMPLOYMENT FORM —————————————- To terminate an employee complete the form details including, where appropriate, the following date fields. Even if the dates are entered the employee will not be Terminated until the Terminate process has successfully been completed. Notification Date: This is for information only and is optional. Projected Date: This is for information only and is optional. Actual Date: This corresponds to the actual date the employee left the organization. When you DateTrack after this date the People form will show the person as an Ex-Employee. This is required. Last Standard Process Date: Where Oracle Payroll is used this will be the date after which no further payroll processing can occur. This is optional and can be left blank. Element entries defined against the employee would be end dated with this date rather than the actual date if they were defined with the standard rule of Last Standard Process. Final Process Date: This will represent the last date for late payments for Oracle Payroll users. An example would be where certain elements were paid in arrears – such as commission. Element entries defined against the employee would be end dated with this date rather than the actual date if they were defined with the standard rule of Final Close. Note —– If the responsibility is HR only then the Last Standard Process and Final Process date fields will be defaulted to display the date entered in the Actual date field. If the assignment is attached to a payroll: – The end date of the period in which the employee is terminated will be defaulted into the Last Standard Process and Final Process dates. – The user will be prompted with a choice of Terminating the Assignment as Terminate Process Assignment or Terminate Assignment, the former will allow further payroll processing to occur for that assignment up to the Last Standard Process / Final Process dates. Element entries are therefore closed down on the Last Standard Process, Final Process date or Actual date dependent on the element definition. An element entry has to be present on the last day of a pay period for it to be processed. TERMINATION VIA THE ASSIGNMENT FORM ———————————— You can end all but one of the employees assignments via this form. If Oracle Payroll is not installed you can select an assignment status of End or Terminate: – End can be used to indicate that further pay processing cannot occur for this assignment. – Terminate can be used to indicate that further processing can occur. If Oracle Payroll is installed select one the following: – Terminate Process Assignment (with a Payroll system status of Process) if further pay processing of the assignment is required. – Terminate Assignment (with a Payroll system status of Do Not Process) to temporarily prevent pay processing for this assignment. – End (with a Payroll system status of Do Not Process) if all pay processing for the assignment is finished. ASSIGNMENT STATUSES ——————– Primary employee assignment statuses are defined with the system to determine how the system processes and manages the assignment. The four statuses for employees are Active Assignment, Suspend Assignment, Terminate Assignment and End. The latter two are used when terminating assignments. Different User statuses can be associated with each of these system statuses. The statuses can also be used to control whether an employee assignment is processed in the payroll run, you choose a payroll status of Process or Do Not Process for each user status. The User statuses which are provided on startup and used when Terminating are as follows: (They can be viewed via the Assignment Statuses form) System Status User Status Human Resources Payroll Terminate Process Assignment Terminate Assignment Process Terminate Assignment Terminate Assignment Do Not Process End End Do Not Process DATABASE TABLES —————- To illustrate the database tables that are updated when an employee is terminated the following example is used: A person who is entered on the system 01-NOV-98 as an employee, assigned to a monthly payroll whose period date is the end of the month, and initially eligible to the following recurring elements. NI – Termination Rule of Final Close Pay Details – Termination Rule of Final Close Salary – Termination Rule of Last Standard Process Bonus – Termination Rule of Actual Date Before termination the tables below will hold the following data against this person (with one active assignment and assuming no updates to the person or assignment after their initial hire). Terminating assignments either through the Termination form or the Assignment form SHOULD never purge or ZAP element entries against the assignment – if future dated element entries do exist it will prevent the action taking place. Note —- PERSON_TYPE_ID is foreign key to PER_PERSON_TYPES which holds the Person User and System Statuses. ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID is foreign key to PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUT_TYPES the Assignment Use and System Statuses. (ACTUAL_DATE is column ACTUAL_TERMINATION_DATE FP_DATE is column FINAL_PROCESS_DATE LSP_DATE is column LAST_STANDARD_PROCESS_DATE on database) PER_PEOPLE_F (PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F from r11 onwards) ———— (1 Record) PERSON_ID EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE PERSON_TYPE_ID 6351 01-nov-98 31-dec-4712 (Employee) PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F (PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F from r11 onwards) —————– (for PERSON_ID) ASSIGNMENT_ID EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID 6496 01-nov-98 31-dec-4712 (Active Assignment) PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE ———————- (for PERSON_ID) PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID DATE_START ACTUAL_DATE FP_DATE LSP_DATE 6169 01-NOV-98 PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F ——————— (for ASSIGNMENT_ID) EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ELEMENT_LINK_ID 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-4712 1823 (-> NI) 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-4712 1824 (-> PAYE DETAILS) 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-4712 2442 (-> SALARY) 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-4712 3262 (-> BONUS) If the assignment is terminated via the Termination form using the following dates: – Actual :15-nov – Last Standard Process :30-nov – Final Close :31-dec With the Assignment Status – Terminate Process Assignment, the database tables will be now be updated as below: PER_PEOPLE_F ————- (2 Records) PERSON_ID EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE PERSON_TYPE_ID 6351 01-nov-98 15-nov-1998 (Employee) 6351 16-nov-98 31-dec-4712 (Ex-Employee) PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F —————— (for PERSON_ID) ASSIGNMENT_ID EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID 6496 01-nov-98 15-nov-1998 (Active Assignment) 6496 16-nov-98 31-dec-4712 (Terminate Process Assignment) PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE ———————– (for PERSON_ID) PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID DATE_START ACTUAL_DATE FP_DATE LSP_DATE 6169 01-NOV-98 15-nov-1998 31-dec-1998 30-nov-1998 PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F ———————- (for ASSIGNMENT_ID) EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ELEMENT_LINK_ID 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-1998 1823 (-> NI) 01-NOV-98 31-DEC-1998 1824 (-> PAYE DETAILS) 01-NOV-98 30-NOV-1998 2442 (-> SALARY) 01-NOV-98 15-NOV-1998 3262 (-> BONUS) If you then decide that you do not wish this person to be processed at all in the December payroll to you can update their Assignment Status from Terminate Process Assignment to Terminate Assignment in the Assignment form with a date effective update. For example if this is done as an update from the 15-dec-1998 the following update will be made to PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F. PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F —————– (for PERSON_ID) (3 records) ASSIGNMENT_ID EFFECTIVE_START_DATE EFFECTIVE_END_DATE ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID 6496 01-nov-98 15-nov-1998 (Active Assignment) 6496 16-nov-98 14-dec-1998 (Terminate Process Assignment) 6496 15-dec-98 31-dec-1998 (Terminate Assignment) COMMON PROBLEMS – TERMINATIONS ——————————- UNABLE TO TERMINATE AN ASSIGNMENT CAUSE: THE DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR EX-EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN AMENDED The System Person Type For EX-EMPLOYEE has no default user status associated with it. Each HRMS system status must have one default user status associated with it. CAUSE: FUTURE DATA FOR THE ASSIGNMENT EXISTS An example of this will be the message: APP-6884 This element does not exist. You are trying to select element information on the when the element does not exist. This could be where you are trying to terminate someone on a date after which elements have been assigned to this assignment. OR APP-7440 Cannot Terminate, Future Person changes exist. You may get this message after you enter an actual date, for example in April, and a last standard processing date for the end of May. If you have made a future person update in May this message will appear. The appropriate action would be to DateTrack to before this change on the person form and delete the change. You will then be able to carry out the termination. CAUSE: FUTURE ACTIONS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT EXISTS APP-6516 Cannot Terminate Employee, Future Actions exist An example of this will be where processing actions exist for the assignment on date after that entered for the last standard process date in the termination form. For example the payroll processes have been run for February and then reversed but the last standard process date is set to January and the termination fails with this message. The appropriate action would to set the date to after the reversal actions in February and you will be able to carry out the termination. The same issue will arise if you try to reverse a termination that has an existing assignment termination action after the termination date. APP-6732 You cannot cancel the termination – there are commits outstanding. The assignment action will need to be deleted before the system will allow you to reverse the termination. UNABLE TO CHANGE THE LAST STANDARD PROCESS AND FINAL PROCESS DATES DEFAULTED DATES Ensure that the responsibility you are using has the system profile HR: User Type set to HR and Payroll User at the Responsibility level and not merely at the Site level. Unless this is set the system will prevent you from changing these dates on the Termination form. AFTER TERMINATING AN EMPLOYEE ON R10.7 A NEW DATETRACKED ENTRY IN PER_PEOPLE_F HAS NOT BEEN ADDED TO SHOW THE PERSON IS AN EX-EMPLOYEE Ensure that you have applied Patch 929961 which includes the latest versions of the termination software. To correct the employee reverse terminate and after having applied the patch re-terminate. COMMON PROBLEMS – REVERSE TERMINATIONS ————————————— UNABLE TO REVERSE TERMINATE AN ASSIGNMENT CAUSE: ELEMENT ENTRIES EXIST AGAINST ASSIGNMENT PRIOR TO THEIR HIRE DATE APP-06047: This employee is not assigned to a payroll This can occur if there is inconsistent payroll data for the assignment as a result of direct data load. This error could occur if element entries exist on the system prior to the hire date of the assignment. This should not happen if data is entered via the application forms. OTHER PROBLEMS ————— i) Oracle SSP/SMP uses a temporary table SSP_TEMP_AFFECTED_ROWS when calculating sick pay or maternity pay for people. Any records generated during this process should be cleared out on the committing of the calculated figures. There have been occasional occurrences where this has not been the case and as a result the termination of a person at a later date has failed. Checking this table for records and removing an errant rows should resolve this. For R11.0.3 users ensuring that you have applied PER patchset E should prevent these records being generated For R11.5 users at the time of writing (Dec 2000) a patch to resolve this issue via Bug 1404745 is being developed and will be made available in the near future ii) Oracle Security uses the PER_PERSON_LIST and PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES to hold lists of people that are visible to secure users accessing the system via secure Security Profiles. The system presumes that there is a 1 to 1 relationship between records in these two tables. If there is not for any reason the termination may fail. An example error is: FRM-40735: on update trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01407 History – on update trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01407 cannot update mandatory column to null apps_appfnd1.hrempter line 1299 apps_appfnd1 per_periods_of_service_pkg line 710 at line 1 As a workaround for this you will need to check the records that are missing and add them to the other table so to rebuild the 1 to 1 relationship. One problem which can cause this discrepancy between these tables was as a result of an issue where if a terminated person that is accessible to a secure profile is re-hired the record created in PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES was NOT deleted This discrepancy was raised with development and hasbeen fixed for 11.0.3 customers from PER patchset D onwards. WARNING MESSAGES —————– Before terminating an assignment the following messages may be displayed as a caution to allow you to reconsider if this is the appropriate action. They are warnings/cautions, for information only and can usually be ignored. Terminating an assignment will result in the end dating of the current element entries and this is reflected in the message: APP-7016: Your changes will affect element entries. Do you want to continue? If the employee has had changes in salary during their employment the following message may be displayed: APP-7442: Element entries including at least one salary entry have changed, do you want to continue? MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES ——————— To Cancel or Terminate an employee re-hire i.e. where someone has been re-hired on the wrong date you can do this directly on the People form by date tracking to the date of the re-hire, blanking out the hire date, and committing the change. This will change the status of the employee back to Ex-Employee. The hired date is removed when an employee is made an ex-employee to avoid confusion if the employee is re-hired on a number of occasions as there would be no means of knowing what the hire date refers to. If you have used the additional flexfield information when Terminating an employee and subsquently reversing this termination it should be noted that the information on the flexfield will still be there. The way flexfield information is linked to the assignment means that it will not be deleted and this is not an error with the system 6. Unable to view Special Information Types. Answer —— R11.0.3 – Customer has applied PER Patchset E (1316387) and cannot see Special Information Types. Apply Patch 1222692 to resolve issue. 7. How to change Applicants to Employees in Oracle HRMS Answer —— In Oracle HRMS an Assignment is terminated with a Person Type of ‘Ex-Employee and Applicant’. When trying to rehire on the following day there is no ‘Employee’ type available on the List Of Values. Date track forward two days and the value ‘Employee’ is available. For example: – An employee is Terminated or a Contract is finished with an Application submitted. – The application is accepted on the same day 01-Oct-00 Terminate an Employee. The Type becomes ‘Ex-Employee and Applicant’. 02-Oct-00 Rehiring Employee but there is no ‘Employee’ Type available in the list of values. 03-Oct-00 ‘Employee’ type is now available in list of values. There is a rehire process involved called Back-To-Back Employment which allows the rehire of an ‘Ex-Employee’ the day after their termination, the rehire date must be the termination date plus at least one day. Back-To-Back Employment does not apply for any Applicants, the rehire process for Applicants means that the date must be the termination date plus at least two days. 8. How to rehire an Employee in a full install of Oracle Payables and shared install of HR. Answer —— If you are on Employee form PERWSEMP 110.14 (base version), you will need to apply patches 810182, 1194947 to upgrade it to PERWSEMP 110.37. To rehire an employees, please do the following: If Employment End Date (Termination Date) is in the past: 1. Change the Employment Start Date to a new hire date to rehire the employee. 2. Employment End Date should be automatically cleared out. 3. Save 4. A new assginment needs to be created for the employee since the employee was terminated before. If Employment End Date (Termination Date) is in the future: 1. You can simply clear out Employment End Date to rehire the employee. 2. You do not need to create a new assignment since the employee has not been terminated yet. 9. How to Cancel/Change a Rehire Date before a payroll is run (Note 150802.1) Answer —— 1. Cancel the rehire. 2. Open the person record and highlight the rehire date, delete, then save. 3. The person record will revert back to its ex-employe status. 4. Close the person window and then re-query the person. 5. Re-hire as of the correct date, entering the correct assignment information. 6. Navigate to tax information window, verify the correct start date for the tax record (same as the rehire date) and that SUI state information is correct. Remember, customer will only be able to do it this way because no payroll has been run on this rehire as of the rehire date. 10. How to Change Address Style for Quick Applicant Entry Answer —— Responsibility = System Administrator Application> Flexfields> Descriptive> Segments Queried: Application = Oracle Human Resources, Title = Personal Address Information Unfreeze the flexfield In the Section Context Field Values, disable all the values except for the one named United States (International) or whatever style you wish to keep. The name Global Data Elements cannot be disabled. Refreeze and Recompile
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